Reasonable Needs – by Ann Welsh

The first step in ensuring that our reasonable needs are being met, is to acknowledge that our own reasonable needs are EQUAL to everyone else’s.   Our own reasonable needs are not more important than others, but they are certainly not less important.

Everyone has the right to their own opinions, values, and beliefs.   We do not have the right to impose our way of thinking onto others, nor do we have to accept that another person’s way of thinking is how we should be viewing the world.   We have the right to choose for ourselves what is right for us as an individual.

I have been asked on many occasions if saying ‘no’ to others is selfish.  If others are not prepared to accept your choices (your reasonable needs), then they are not truly respecting your time and space. Ensuring that our own reasonable needs are met is selfcare rather than selfish. 

Are there people in your life who are telling you what to think, what to believe – even what to wear? Are you exhausted trying to comply with these impositions? Would you like to regain control of your life and make your own choices?   Would you like to ensure that your reasonable needs are being met with the respect they deserve? The therapeutic process can help with this.

To find out about how therapy can help, contact us on 07793 088122 or visit the website to find out more.

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