Passive Aggressive Behaviour by Ann Welsh

“You’re too sensitive” and “I don’t have a filter” are just two of the wholly unacceptable phrases that passive aggressive people use to upset/control other people.   

Ask yourself why a person feels the need to make any remark that will upset you, if they feel that you are sensitive?   What exactly is their motive here?   The people that truly do not have a filter are usually suffering from a mental health issue that they have no control over.  The rest of us have very good filters, and most of us use them to ensure that we are being respectful to others.  Once again what is the motive is this phrase?   

The above phrases, together with many others, are used as excuses to put others down; to upset them and/or to control the individual that they are directed at.  They are a covert form of bullying.  

The therapeutic process can help those that are passive aggressive to look at why they feel the need to be this way, as well as help those on the receiving end to deal with passive-aggressive people in their lives.

Contact us for a free consultation to learn ore about passive aggressive behaviour.

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